Its their personal affair, I quipped back when Dad said its not fair to Sania.No but Sania doesn't know the truth about Sohaib..he persisted. How do you know - I exclaimed!.. she just tweeted that she was aware - suddenly realising that I too was into this personal matter. My brother, quite till now but in deep thoughts, came out with the opinion that she is not doing right by leaving us Indians out and marrying a Pakistani. Its her personal matter - I exclaimed again! Its not! - my brother got back even more strongly...why is this happening in so much of publicity..they have not left it personal any more..I am involved..he stressed..and serious he was.
While on "Involvement" I recollected one Thackeray objecting to it, and another Thackeray approving it if she cared!
Fun..anyways...the whole discussion was..but even I couldn't figure out how personal a thing is for a public figure..and how personal they want it to be....
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